Your Docusaurus site did not load properly.

A very common reason is a wrong site baseUrl configuration.

Current configured baseUrl = / (default value)

We suggest trying baseUrl =

Windward Engines

No matter your programming language of choice, Windward has a template processing engine for your needs.

.NET RESTful Engine

.NET RESTful Engine

The .NET RESTful engine consists of a Web API wrapper around the Windward .NET Engine. Communication is done over the HTTP protocol allowing software written in any programming language to be easily enhanced with document generation and reporting capabilities. The .NET RESTful engine requires Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and therefore a Windows OS.

Java RESTful Engine

Java RESTful Engine

The Java RESTful engine consists of a Web API wrapper around the Windward JAVA Engine. Communication is done over the HTTP protocol allowing software written in any programming language to be easily enhanced with document generation and reporting capabilities. The JAVA RESTful engine requires a web application server such as Apache Tomcat and therefore can run on any OS that can host a JAVA Web application server.

.NET Engine

.NET Engine

The .NET Engine is an SDK engine allowing you to extend your .NET code base with in-proc calls for document generation and reporting. The .NET engine currently supports .NET Framework 4.6.1 thru 4.8.

Java  Engine

Java Engine

The JAVA Engine is an SDK engine allowing you to extend your JAVA code base with in-proc calls for document generation and reporting. The JAVA Engine requires JAVA JDK 1.8 or later.